The Practice of Coziness – An ePistle by Nikki Holland

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When I was in seminary, one of my assignments was to develop a Rule of Life. A Rule of Life is a thoughtful, practical plan for how we arrange our lives, giving special attention to what spiritual practices we are going to engage in to support the work of our […]


Pouring Coffee without a Pot – A Meditation by Bobbi Dykema

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I have long felt that the job of a pastor falls into two broad categories: facilitating a congregation becoming ever more deeply connected in relationship and true community with one another, and facilitating that community’s outward-facing and -reaching work of ministry, service, and transformative justice with and for the wider […]


John the Baptist and the Hebrew Prophetic Tradition (Luke 3:1-20) – An Exposition by Tom Wagner

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I often hear our roosters crowing while I’m getting ready for work. Mind you, this is around 4 a.m. Popular culture commonly portrays roosters crowing at sunrise, however, in my experience, their boisterous morning song begins long before daylight. I’ve at times wondered if they detect some nearly unperceivable changes […]


Being Church 2.0 – An ePistle by Joanna Wave Willoughby

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As Common Spirit Church of the Brethren celebrates 10 years of ministry in Grand Rapids, Michigan this fall, it has been interesting to compare and contrast the history of the original Grand Rapids Church of the Brethren congregation to the current one. Both churches were started by families living in […]


Constellationally : A Journey w/ Indigenous Peoples – A Reflection by Katie Heishman

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The most vibrant night sky that I have ever seen was after a day-long hike into the Burmese mountains. I had no idea that so many stars could be seen to the naked eye—the sky was full and radiant with them. I finally had an understanding of why ancient peoples […]


Is the Love Feast Essential? – A Query by Brian Mackie

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Is the Love Feast essential?1 The Love Feast faces a critical moment: will Christians in general, and Brethren in particular, seek to reclaim the Love Feast as an essential communion practice post-COVID? Or…will COVID put a metaphoric nail in the already waning practice of the Love Feast?  These past two […]


Words of Life. Bread of Life. (Ephesians 4:25-5:2, 6:10-20) – A Sermon by Nathan Hosler

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Sometimes in the middle of the week, we would bike, walk, or drive about a kilometer down a dusty road through farm fields and past mango trees from Kulp Bible College to Church of the Brethren (Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria) Headquarters and the Women’s Fellowship (Zumuntar Matan Ekklesiyar) Restaurant. Often […]
