In Junior High, I played tenor saxophone. The main reason I chose the tenor saxophone (apart from the fact there were too many alto saxophone players already) was saxophones are the instruments of jazz, and I liked jazz. In 7th grade I sat next to another tenor sax player who […]
Realistic Theological Language Pt. II – Caleb Kragt
Published on :The first portion of this article examined our tendency to “spiritualize” our theological language. This can happen when taking words that were first given dynamic metaphorical use for articulating something of our experience with God, and calcifying their meaning such that the only interpretation considered is one that stays entirely […]
Realistic Theological Language Pt. I – Caleb Kragt
Published on :In an introductory theology course at Eastern University, our professor quite deliberately assigned us readings from a wide variety of Christian traditions. Among these, one story makes a text we didn’t read memorable: Professor Boyer read aloud an email exchange wherein he had asked colleagues at Eastern and other friends […]
Radically Reforming Cross-Cultural Ministry – Christy Crouse
Published on :A Global Church Church of the Brethren history and tradition are transnational in their essence. Since the Radical Reformation and the formation of the church in Germany, which then expanded to the United States, and later to other countries throughout the world, the Brethren have always had a cross-border and […]
Our Peace Position Doesn’t Go Far Enough – Ryan Braught
Published on :“Peace is at the heart of the gospel. As followers of Jesus in a divided and violent world, we are committed to finding non-violent alternatives and to learning how to make peace between individuals, within and among churches, in society, and between nations.” “Belief that the gospel includes a commitment […]