A Harvest of Ground Cherries and Righteousness- A sermon by Nathan Hosler-December 2021

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In the beginning as God created, a wind –the spirit of God swept— hovered—over the face of the deep. The first people—Eve and Adam– “heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze…” A swoosh of grass? Crunch of leaves? Abraham […]


Is the Love Feast Essential? – A Query by Brian Mackie

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Is the Love Feast essential?1 The Love Feast faces a critical moment: will Christians in general, and Brethren in particular, seek to reclaim the Love Feast as an essential communion practice post-COVID? Or…will COVID put a metaphoric nail in the already waning practice of the Love Feast?  These past two […]


Words of Life. Bread of Life. (Ephesians 4:25-5:2, 6:10-20) – A Sermon by Nathan Hosler

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Sometimes in the middle of the week, we would bike, walk, or drive about a kilometer down a dusty road through farm fields and past mango trees from Kulp Bible College to Church of the Brethren (Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria) Headquarters and the Women’s Fellowship (Zumuntar Matan Ekklesiyar) Restaurant. Often […]


Filling Our Toolboxes with Peace – An ePistle by Jeff Davidson

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We all have toolboxes of one sort or another. Sometimes it’s a literal toolbox, or at least a tool drawer in the kitchen or the utility room. It’ll be filled with hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, and other things that help us accomplish a task of some kind. Maybe we have […]


Why Join a Peace Church – A Query by Chibuzo Nimmo Petty

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Why join one of the Historic Peace Churches? Jesus is at the center of this question. Jesus is at the center of this passage (Romans 5:1-11). Jesus at the center of our faith. Jesus is the source of our strength. Jesus is the source of our peace. Jesus is the […]


Language & Citizenship (Philippians 1:27-30) – A Sermon by Joel Shenk

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I still remember an insight from Stanley Hauerwas’s commencement speech at Eastern Mennonite Seminary over a decade ago. He said something to the effect that learning how to be a Christian is not just like learning to speak a new language. It is speaking a new language. Christianity is its […]
