Get Your Joy On – A Sermon by Bobbi Dykema

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The third Sunday in Advent is Gaudete Sunday, or Rejoicing Sunday, and the lectionary scriptures all proclaim the joy of God’s work in the world. And yet, beloved church, I have to tell you, I was having a hard time accessing some joy to preach about. It’s been a very […]


Brethren Distinctives in Church Planting – An Article by Ryan Braught & Nate Polzin

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In 1708 the original eight members of what would become the Church of the Brethren started something new as they entered the waters of the Eder River for their baptism. Though it was indeed a new church they began, it was not without historical antecedents. The Church of the Brethren […]


Choosing Baptism; Choosing a Day Things to Come – A Sermon by Caleb Kragt

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When have you been able to put it on the calendar ahead of time that a certain day was supposed to change your life? For many of us, a wedding day might come to mind. That date is saved far in advance, with tremendous preparation ahead of time; making vows […]
