The definitions of the word encourage are explained in three ways which mean to give support, confidence, or hope to (someone), or persuade (someone) to do or continue to do something by giving support and advice or stimulate the development of (an activity, state, or belief). Developing the attitude of […]
Peace Like a River: Streams of Spiritual Discipline – An ePistle by Zechariah Houser
Published on :Minister like a Scuba Diver – A Sermon by Nikki Holland
Published on :Leave it at the Cross – A Meditation by Bobbi Dykema
Published on :Lessons from Paul’s First Encounter with Christ – A Sermon by Oscar Lugusa
Published on :Paul’s first encounter with the risen Christ was a unique one and quite frightening. The turnaround of events led Paul to follow Christ and start serving in ministry. You can imagine being struck by lightning, falling to the ground, suddenly hearing a voice from an invisible person, and becoming blind […]
Doubt isn’t the Problem: Deconstruction vs. Deconversion – An ePistle by Ryan Braught
Published on :Being Mindfully Busy – An ePistle by Jonathan Stauffer
Published on :How has being busy distracted from my faith life? As a public school teacher, my day is packed with decisions. The most common types of daily decisions include when to help students, making curriculum improvements, and which professional development topics to explore. And several other types of decisions are added […]